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The Importance of a Good Diet for Aging Adults


As your loved one’s age, it is important that they maintain healthy diets to support the natural aging process. With aging, most times, comes new health scares and diagnoses, whether it is Diabetes, Alzheimer’s/Dementia, or Hypertension. Research has shown that having a healthy and well-balanced diet can either slow the progression and/or reduce the risk of you getting these diagnoses.

So today, we are going to show you how you can incorporate healthy alternatives into your loved ones eating habits to help them age in good health based on diagnoses that can be common for most people.

The Importance of a Good Diet for Aging Adults

Hypertension: (High Blood Pressure) To lower your blood pressure it is recommended that you consume lots of green vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products, nuts, and grains. As for protein, try not to eat too much meat, but when you do try for lean fish and lean, skinless chicken. Reduce your sodium (salt) intake, by skipping seasoning any of your vegetables with it or a small amount of it. Partner this with limited exercise if your loved can.

Hypotension: (Low Blood Pressure) If you suffer from low blood pressure, throughout the day it has been said by healthcare professionals that you should eat high carb foods like, pasta and bread to regulate your blood pressure. Eating to many carbs can pack on weight, fat and may eventually lead to high blood pressure so be sure to eat small amounts and not regularly. Partner this with limited exercise if your loved can.

Diabetes: Research has shown that eating foods such as whole grains, chicken, salmon, tuna, sweet potatoes, berries and low or non-fat dairy products can help regulate your loved one’s diabetes. Foods to avoid are processed foods, fried foods, foods with lots of sugar, apple sauce, jams, and whole milk or dairy products.

Alzheimer’s/Dementia: Healthcare professionals state that you can reduce the risk of you or your loved one getting Alzheimer’s/Dementia by eating green, leafy vegetables, whole grains, beans, eating less of red meat, berries, fish, chicken, and nuts. Try to reduce your intake of wine, cheese, and sweets.

High Cholesterol: High cholesterol limits blood flow and can lead to heart attacks and strokes. To reduce your chance of getting high cholesterol, consume lots of vegetables, fruits, and grains. Limit foods that are saturated in fats and sugar loaded foods.

Want to learn more about PC Home Health’s services? Contact us at (214) 991-5619 or click this link.

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